Will MPLS QoS work with encrypted traffic?

If your company requires extremely secure data transfer with encryption, how can QoS work?  The answer depends on the encryption algorithm used. If you use IPsec over GRE, this will work.  The 3 IP precedence bits will be copied from the orginal IP header to the GRE header, then further to the IPsec header.  At […]

MPLS Quotes, MARCs & Pricing MPLS With Flexibility in Mind

Depending on the carriers that you are considering for your MPLS quotations, you will find many differences in their pricing models.  The MARC or Minimum Annual Revenue Commitment is the carriers’ way of guaranteeing their revenue for the entire contract period.  If your network prices out at $5000/month, it will cost you $60,000/year.  If your MARC is […]