MPLS Quotes, MARCs & Pricing MPLS With Flexibility in Mind

SASE Secure Access Service Edge

IP Transit

Depending on the carriers that you are considering for your MPLS quotations, you will find many differences in their pricing models.  The MARC or Minimum Annual Revenue Commitment is the carriers’ way of guaranteeing their revenue for the entire contract period.  If your network prices out at $5000/month, it will cost you $60,000/year.  If your MARC is $55,000/year, that might appear sensible…or not. MPLS pricing can be complicated, despite what you might think.  You want to plan for the future, not just today.

Things change in business and change sometimes means elimination of facilities that today you would never dream might be closed.  The MARC is like a set of hand-cuffs that restrict your flexibility down the road, so you need to think carefully about this.

When SD-WAN-Experts obtains prices and negotiates deals on behalf of our clients, we work hard to either eliminate the MARC or to set the number at a low enough level that the client has some flexibility in the future.  You will save money and negotiate a more beneficial service agreement with the assistance of the professionals at SASE Experts.  Call us for a quotation at 1-212-203-7310 x150.  You will be pleased with the depth of MPLS technical expertise that we offer.  Something that you won’t find elsewhere.

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