What is the average price for an SD-WAN service? Here’s some data that will help

How much should you expect to spend on for an SD-WAN service? It’s a question that I’m often asked and one that depends highly on your network configuration. Pricing involves capacity at locations, whether it’s fully managed or not, and the services being included.

Here at the WAN Summit in New York, Greg Bryan, senior manager of enterprise research at Telegeography, presented research that should go a long way to further answering that question. In his seminar yesterday, “SD-WAN Provider Landscape —Service Delivery, Pricing Models, and M&A in the Software Driven Network Marketplace,” Greg provided industry average pricing for monthly, one-time, and management costs. Data is provided below; I’ll analyze them in greater depth upon my return to the office. 

Monthly Pricing


Monthly SD-WAN service pricing varies significantly depending on the sites’ last-mile bandwidth.

One-Time Pricing

The non-reoccurring costs of SD-WAN will also depend on your site’s capacity.

Management Cost

Adding full management to an SD-WAN service significantly increases the cost. Will it still be less expensive than your MPLS service?


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